Great studio!Characteristics
- Property type Appartments
- Locality Montreal
- Address Montreal, Rue St-Élie
- Floor 3
- Number of rooms Studio
- Total area 60 m²
- Living space 55 m²
- Room layout Isolated
- Kitchen area 10 m²
- Kitchen type separate
- Number of bathrooms 1
- Type of bathroom Separated
- Balcony type loggia
- Windows look out во двор и на улицу
- Repair renovation
- Window plastic with glass
- Object state excellent
- Floors in the house 8
- House type Monolith
- wall material ж/б панели
- Материал этажных перекрытий железобетонные
- Epoch, project (building type) new building
- Heating котел твердотопливный
- Access to rear video intercom
- Passenger lift 1
- Housing class elite
- For invalids пандус на входе
- Car park type паркинг встроенный (в здании)
- Warm floor electric
- Fireplace yes
- Internet yes
- Telephone cable yes
- Fire alarm yes
- Sale type direct sale
- Mortgage sale yes