Great house!Characteristics
- Property type Houses, cottages
- Locality Quebec
- Address Quebec, 38 Rue Spruce
- Object type house
- House type Brick
- wall material Brick
- Status House
- Total area 100 m²
- Land area 7 acres
- Number of floors 1
- Basement Basement
- Number of rooms 4
- Repair renovation
- Object state excellent
- Kitchen type separate
- Number of bathrooms 2
- Windows look out to the yard
- Heating autonomous gas
- Housing class business
- Plots per Plot to the object single
- Warm floor yes
- Fireplace yes
- Hot water yes
- Additionally for GV electric boiler
- Internet yes
- Telephone cable yes
- Security alarm yes
- Fire alarm yes
- Fire extinguishing system сплинкерная
- CCTV yes
- Ventilation natural
- Furniture yes
- Technique yes
- Electricity yes
- Gas yes
- Sewerage household yes
- Water pipes yes
- Storm sewer yes
- Internet cable yes
- Sale type direct sale
- Mortgage sale yes
- Banner placed on the site no
- Pasted noodles no