Spectacular panoramic views. Close to all services. Marina and restaurants to entertain you. Multiplicity of a mutitude of summer and winter activities. Get away from it all, rejuvenate and enjoy the magical backdrop of the region's beauty. Ideal for gathering family and friends. Numerous excuses to gather those you love. Treat yourself!Characteristics
- Property type Area
- Locality Montreal
- Address Montreal, Rue du Baron-Louis-Empain
- Cost permonth
- Lot type Agriculture
- Plot status (SH) KFH (peasant farms)
- Plot area total 2000
- Plot-1 area (sot) 300
- Driveway асфальтированная
- Electricity yes
- Gas connected natural
- Sewerage household connected to city networks
- Water pipes connected to city networks
- Storm sewer connected to city networks
- Internet cable yes
- Communal payments additionally
- Banner placed on the site no
- Pasted noodles no